Bio: Said to battle with Groudon and shrank the sea by heating water to a raging temperature.
Next up is Rayquzza his attack is Sky Judgment and it does 150 damage! If you ask me that is a pretty high attack but it is only one of the top attacks in the current pokemon world! It's passive Speed gain makes it easy to re-get used energy cards and use them again! He is a normal type and has 100 hp also.
Bio: It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground.
And one of my newest legenddary pokemon Groudon his Volcano stomp will do 80 damage and you flip a coin, if you get 1-2 heads you get to destroy that many energy cards and if you get 2 tails then the attack does nothing. Bummer. Groudon has 100 hp and is a ground type. (funny how his name came about O.o)
Bio: Said to have expanded the lands by evaporating the water with raging heat. It battled titanically with KYOGRE. (listed above)
My Favorite that I juut got today. Zekrom the face of the new pokemon black and white.( he is the black one by the way) his Bolt strike and Outrage work well together. While Bolt Strike does 120 massive damage it also hurts Zekrom for 40 while Outrage does 20 damage plus 10 more for every 10 hp Zekrom has lost! As a last resort it could do 140 damage! which is more then Bolt Strike! It is a Lightning type pokemon and it has 130 hp to go with that.
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